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Golfing Tid Bits

Am I a good golfer? Absolutely not. Do I know anything about the sport? Absolutely, I know more than enough to be able to start a blog like this. I am not writing this to tell anyone how to golf but rather just to bring up a lot of the lighter, not talked about points of golfing.

Relationship Tid Bits

I have been married 19 years now and between my relationship, my friends relationships and all of my research I have managed to build up quite a nice library of information. I have turned this info into several articles that I include in my blog. I work very hard to write these articles and submit them. So go ahead and have a look. I ask that if you don’t mind you please leave a comment. I am also always looking for good relationship stories that I can include in the blog. If you are interested in submitting a story to the blog you can email it to me at I will let you know when it gets submitted to the blog.

Affiliate Marketing For Newbie’s

I am involved in a few affiliate programs that are listed in the blog but mostly the blog is built for advice. I like to help new marketers who are trying to make some money in this wide world of the internet.

Fishing Tutor

For 35 years now I have had one consistent factor in my life. That factor is a passion. That passion is fishing. Any day of the week I would rather be fishing than anything else. I have built this blog to give people advice on their fishing hobby. I am also looking for some help with this blog. What I am looking for is good fish stories that I can submit in my blog. Of course I would submit the story with your name so you could send all your friends and family to see your stories published on the internet. You can email me your stories to and I will let you know when the story will be published to the blog.

Short Stories

I love writing and that’s one of the reasons I have started all these blogs. Inside this blog are some of my short stories but there are also many, many writing tips inside. There is a great series on how to write a novel. I am in the process of trying to get my first novel published but that’s definitely proving to be a long task.

Blogcast Home Study Course.

Fun Tid Bits

This blog is just built for someone to go to when they want to have a little break. The blog has all kinds of different points and jokes. Go ahead and have a look. I am always submitting new stuff for your reading pleasure.

Mostly Pictures

I built this blog to let all my internet friends get to know me and my family a little better. I submit lots of pictures with explanations. These pictures all have something to do with my life. Go ahead and enjoy.

Credit Help

I have been there. Many years ago I screwed up my credit. Did that make me a bad person? Absolutely not and it doesn’t make you a bad person either. After many years of struggling I have finally managed to get my credit back to a respectable level. I swore that if I could help people with their credit I would and that is why I have put this blog together. Go ahead and have a look.

All Your Needs

This is another blog that is built to help you with some of you’re on line ventures. This one is however built and leans more in the direction of making money with Pay Per Click. I mean stuff Like Google Adsense. Go ahead and have a look. This blog is fairly new but keep coming back. I try and get all my blogs updated at least once every 7 to 10 days.

Acne Help

I have suffered all my life from the worst acne that you can get. At one point in my life I had acne on 50 percent of my body. I couldn’t sleep without clothes on because I would leave blood all over the place. I couldn’t even get a job because I looked like a freak to everyone else. I can’t do a lot for others but what I can do is give advice and that is why I have built this blog. If you would be interested in submitting your acne story then you could email me at If you would be interested in publishing your story on my blog then go ahead and email it to me and I will let you know when it’s going to get submitted.

Baby Help

Am I an expert when it comes to babies. I think anyone who has brought up three boys and has several nieces and nephews then yes I am an expert. However I do have help with this blog. My wife does all the research for me and I write the articles. In this case it’s a great team. This is a rather new blog but I think it will be one of my most popular. I am also looking for some help with this blog. I am looking for some funny stories about your babies that can be submitted to my blog. You can email me at with your stories. Please tell me if you want your name published with the story. I will let you know when your story will be posted to the blog.

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Monday, June 4, 2007

A Place To Leave Your Comments

Hey there everyone

While this blog is mostly just a gateway to all my other blogs it was brought to my attention today that there is no place to leave comments on this blog. So here we go now you can leave your comments in this post.

By the way keep an eye out for more blogs in the near future.

Thanks Dale